Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hi! If you landed on this page, I've actually moved to a new website! This one will still be up for an indefinite time just in case more people end up here, but all new updates of me and my work will be on the new website.
Click the link below to be redirected to my official website! See you there!
My name is Trista Tantri, and I’m a Chinese descent born and raised in Indonesia.
I am an undergraduate student in SCAD (Savannah, GA) studying Motion Media Design, and also a self-taught illustrator.  I like to explore many different mediums of digital art just for fun, ranging from motion design in AE, to 3D art in Blender!
My art name is Kihoshi. Ki Hoshi (木星), is the literal Japanese translation of "tree" and "star". A close friend of mine gave me the nickname Treestar, which sounds like Trista. She didn't give it any thought when she came up with it, so I gave it my own meaning. The tree part means to grow slowly as an artist, from a small sprout to a tall tree, as I find and explore who I am as an artist. The star part is to shine brightly, not only by my art skills, but also by my character. 🌴✨
Phone: +1 912 224 5526
Resume is available upon request! :]
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